
Photo credits @ DB Schenker

DB Schenker tests electric lorries for long-distance transport in Sweden

Logistics company DB Schenker became the first in Sweden to operate a fully electric Scania R 450e lorry for long-distance deliveries. The e-truck will travel approximately 300 kilometres between Jönköping and Södertälje as part of the E-Charge project, testing the viability of electric long-haul transportation.

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The 64-tonne Scania R 450e electric lorry is 24 metres long and will cover a route of around 300 kilometres, which normally takes three hours. The initiative is part of the E-Charge project, a fourteen-partner collaboration exploring the feasibility of long-distance electric trucking.

Our goal is to gain experience with electric heavy goods vehicles in regular long-distance operations, said Anna Hagberg, Head of Network & Scheduled Services at DB Schenker. Electrification is crucial for our transition to carbon-neutral transport, especially since heavy goods vehicles are a major source of emissions.

Electric vehicles are already commonplace for short-haul deliveries, but long distances with heavy loads pose a challenge for both the trucks and the charging infrastructure. The E-Charge project seeks to address these challenges by testing electric trucks in real-world conditions while adhering to driver regulations on rest periods.

The Scania R 450e deployed by DB Schenker will replace a diesel-powered truck, operating overnight between the company’s terminals and delivering goods to customers during the day. To achieve a 300-kilometre range in Nordic weather conditions with a 64-ton load, the truck boasts seven batteries with a total capacity of 728 kilowatt hours. This represents the first long-haul electric truck from Scania to achieve this distance on a single charge. High-power chargers from ABB E-mobile will be used for recharging at DB Schenker’s terminals.
