Posts tagged:


Usyncro and CargoX announce interoperability of their services

Usyncro and CargoX announce interoperability of their services

Pölös Zsófia

Pölös Zsófia Journalist


Major fruit supplier reveals its recipe for a resilient avocado supply chain

Major fruit supplier reveals its recipe for a resilient avocado supply chain

Pölös Zsófia

Pölös Zsófia Journalist


How Blockchain improves procurement agreements

How Blockchain improves procurement agreements

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology


Blockchain technology is today revolutionising the Procurement industry

Blockchain technology is today revolutionising the Procurement industry

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology


The many types of Blockchain

The many types of Blockchain

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology


No technology wakens up so much debate as Blockchain does

No technology wakens up so much debate as Blockchain does

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology


A sustainable investment based on Blockchain solutions

A sustainable investment based on Blockchain solutions

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology


Is blockchain the next-generation technology?

Is blockchain the next-generation technology?

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology


Who’s using blockchain in 2020, and how?

Who’s using blockchain in 2020, and how?

Rob O'Byrne

Rob O'Byrne Group Managing Director - Logistics Bureau


75% of organizations will use AI by the end of 2024. Gartner published top 10 data and analytics technology trends

75% of organizations will use AI by the end of 2024. Gartner published top 10 data and analytics technology trends

Pölös Zsófia

Pölös Zsófia Journalist
