
Driver risking his life to save community received brand new truck from the manufacturer



When his truck got on fire at the garage in the middle of the town, this Chinese driver jumped into the cabin and drove the vehicle to open ground to save as many lives as possible before the explosion. 

The Chinese driver Sun Gang was having his truck welded in a garage when things went wrong. The welding flames set the tarpaulin of the trailer on fire. As the driver has just filled the fuel tank, the fire risked triggering an explosion at any time. Sun didn’t hesitate for a long time: risking his own life, he jumped into the cabin and drove the truck out of the residential area.

At that time, the situation was urgent. I had no time to think. I jumped in the truck and took off, with flames all around me. I couldn’t let anyone else get involved,” Big News Network quoted the driver.

When he got to open area, Sun jumped out of the cabin and watched his vehicle burn.

According to local media, the truck cost Sun his life savings. It was purchased with a loan of more than 500,000 yuan (about 71,700 U.S. dollars) in 2018. Not long ago, the loan was paid off. Sun used the vehicle for long-distance cargo transport.

When First Automotive Group (FAW), the manufacturer of the vehicle, learned about the accident, it decided to help the driver and gave him a brand new truck.

Zhu Qixin, general manager of FAW Jiefang Truck Co., Ltd., said the new truck was given to Sun Gang Friday to compensate him for his lost vehicle, and to “promote goodness in society.”
