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2 safety barriers at a level crossing knocked out within 1 hour by 2 HGVs

It only took an hour for two HGV drivers to knock out two safety barriers at a level crossing in Hungary. Police have initiated a criminal offence case against the drivers.

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Hungarian police published a video footage on their YouTube channel showing how two HGV drivers ignored the red lights at a level crossing, drove through the rails without even slowing down and broke the safety barriers. The two incidents happened in just an hour.

First, a lorry was travelling towards the crossing from the village Báránd when the light had turned red. The driver didn’t stop and tried to slip between the safety barriers with little success, breaking one of the bars.

The railway operator was notified about the accident, and soon technicians arrived on the scene to assess the damage.

They arrived just in time to witness the same incident happening in the other direction. An HGV drove through the level crossing while the red lights were on, breaking the safety barrier as a result.

The police initiated proceedings against the two HGV drivers for a crime against railway traffic safety.
