
Alcott Global Leaders in Tech & Ecommerce Podcast: Alok Bhanot EVP & CTO of Cloudleaf

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Alok Bhanot is a seasoned technology and business leader with a stellar career leading large and startup teams across a spectrum of companies like eBay, PayPal, Verifone, Visa, and startups like Inkiru and Qopper. He has built highly scalable platforms, systems, and services for e-commerce, risk modeling, payment transactions, real-time predictive analytics, and IoT-based operations systems.

Cloudleaf was founded on a compelling vision: take a radical new approach to unlock the massive value within supply chains, and transform them into more powerful, data-driven strategic assets.

In this week’s episode, find out:

  • What makes Cloudleaf different
  • Why improving customer experience such a priority
  • What Cloudleaf’s plans for the future are
  • What are healthy expectations when it comes to artificial intelligence

For more streaming and download options for this podcast, visit the Alcott Global website here. If you enjoyed this podcast, you may also be interested in Alcott Global’s other podcast series, Leaders in Supply Chain, episodes of which can be found here.

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