The IRU says Amazon has joined so as to work on areas that are critical to its large chain of logistics partners and the broader global road transport sector.
Common challenges, according to the IRU, include sustainability and decarbonisation, road safety, and artificial intelligence.
Commenting on the announcement, Andreas Marschner, Vice President of EU Amazon Transportation Services, said:
“We are delighted to join the IRU community as a member and collaborator. The success of Amazon, and that of our partners, depends on having a credible, trustworthy voice that understands, advocates and drives consensus on topics that are crucial to our work and the transport industry.”
Umberto de Pretto, IRU Secretary General, added:
“As a leading global e-commerce and logistics company, Amazon is a key player in the road transport sector, overseeing one the world’s largest fleets of trucks, vans and other delivery vehicles. We are very happy to welcome Amazon into the IRU family and look forward to working together on a range of important issues, such as decarbonisation and road safety.”