The transitforum Austria-Tirol criticises drivers who spend the weekly rest in the truck cabin. The President of the forum calls for enforcing the EU rules prohibiting this practice. Is this an announcement of provisions similar to those introduced in France and Germany?
The Transitforum Austria-Tirol urges local authorities to enforce the provisions of Regulation (EC) 561/2006 which prohibits spending the regular weekly rest in the cabin of the truck – informs Austrian Press Agency APA. The forum is a cross-party organisation acting against the growing transit through Austria and its impact on the environment, society and economy.
Fritz Gurgiser, Trasitforum Austria-Tirol president, says that such practices are “illegal”. That is why car parks by motorways A12 and A13, as well as other roads in Tyrol, should be “rigorously and consistently” inspected.
The situation on the “most frequented roads and side roads raises the suspicion that the prohibition is not enforced.”
On weekends car parks are filled with trucks with drivers sleeping in them” – we can read in the press release.
Tyrol inhabitants care not only about working conditions of the truckers but also fear the “water being contaminated by oils”. According to Gurgiser the present situation confirms that the “elementary rights of society and economy are less important than freedom of transit”.
According to the APA, works are currently being carried out with regards to how the regulation should be executed in Austria.