Photo credits @ Autobahn GmbH / A1 Hamburg - Norderelbbrücke

Major bridge closure and new lorry restrictions on Germany’s A1

The Norderelbbrücke bridge on the A1 in Hamburg will undergo extensive work to relieve stress on its load-bearing structure. In addition to a total closure lasting several days, which begins today, long-term regulations for truck traffic will come into effect.

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The new overtaking bans, speed limits, and distance regulations aim to ensure the bridge’s stability until the planned reconstruction is completed.

The Norderelbbrücke motorway bridge in Hamburg, which has six lanes—three in each direction towards Bremen and Lübeck—will remain in use but with a reduced width. To protect the supporting structure, traffic management measures will be implemented, and the A1 motorway between the HH-Billstedt junction (33) and the Norderelbe motorway junction (36) will be closed in both directions. The closure will begin at 10 p.m. today and remain in effect until 5 a.m. on Monday (17 March).

Source: Google Maps / Junction (AS) HH-Billstedt (33) and the motorway junction (AD) Norderelbe (36) marked in red

Planned detours

Due to the closure in Hamburg, the following detour routes have been established:

  • Southbound traffic: The detour runs from the Hamburg-Billstedt junction via the B5, B75, and A255 back to the A1.
  • Northbound traffic: The detour leads from the Norderelbe motorway junction via the A255, B75, and B5 to the Hamburg-Billstedt junction.

Drivers coming from the south intending to take the B75 “Wilhelmsburger Reichsstraße” towards Lübeck will be diverted via the B75, B5, and A255. However, trucks over 7.5 tonnes are prohibited on this route and must instead take a detour via the Hamburg-Harburg junction instead of the A255.

Trucks coming from the A25 towards Bremen should first head towards Lübeck at the Hamburg-Südost motorway junction, exit at Hamburg-Billstedt, and follow the detour via the B5, B75, and A255 to the A1.

Large-scale alternative detours

For long-distance traffic:

  • Drivers travelling from Bremen or Hanover towards the Baltic Sea coast are advised to use the A7, B205, A21, and A20.
  • Drivers coming from the Baltic Sea should take the A20, A21, B205, and A7.
  • Drivers approaching from the B404 near Lüneburg, Uelzen, and Wolfsburg should take the Handorf exit onto the A39, then follow the B404 and A25 to the A1 towards the coast.

Changes to truck regulations

To maintain the stability of the existing bridge until the planned reconstruction, the following restrictions on heavy goods traffic will be implemented:

Overtaking bans:

  • Trucks over 7.5 tonnes will be prohibited from overtaking in the northbound direction.
  • Trucks over 3.5 tonnes will be prohibited from overtaking in the southbound direction.

Extended overtaking ban: The existing overtaking ban for northbound trucks will be extended from the Hamburg-Harburg junction (38) to the Hamburg-Moorfleet junction (34).

Minimum distance requirement: Trucks must maintain a minimum distance of 50 metres, even in traffic jams.

Speed limit: A speed limit of 60 km/h will be enforced on the bridge.

Southbound viaduct closure: The viaduct from the A255 southbound to the A1 towards Lübeck will be closed for trucks over 7.5 tonnes. These vehicles will be redirected via the Hamburg-Harburg junction.

These restrictions will remain in effect until the first of the two new Norderelbbrücke bridges is completed, which is expected in 2029 or even 2030.

“Failure to comply with these traffic restrictions will be consistently penalised,” reads an official statement from the Hamburg police.

Further closures planned

The Norderelbbrücke bridge is under continuous monitoring. If the planned work cannot be carried out today due to weather conditions, an alternative closure is scheduled for the weekend of 11–14 April 2025.

Additionally, the following closures are planned for road crossing replacements and asphalt repairs:

  • 25–28 April 2025 – Northbound closure for replacement of transition structures.
  • 9–12 May 2025 – Asphalt resurfacing.
  • 23–26 May 2025 – Southbound closure for intersection structure replacement.
