
Higher fines for using your phone and blocking the emergency corridor in Germany

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In September this year the Bundesrat introduced new rules. According to them, drivers blocking the emergency corridor and using phone while driving will be punished more strictly than before. Higher fines came into force a few days ago.

People who use their phones and other devices and do not allow for an emergency corridor to be created will pay higher fines. Let us recall what fines drivers will have to pay for such offences:

Phone while driving

In accordance with regulation using a phone while driving will be punished with a fine of 100 euro which is 40 euros more than before. The provisions apply not only to phones but also tablets, laptops, e-book readers or smart glasses, etc.

If using one of these devices causes an accident and property damage, the driver will have to pay a fine of 150 or 200 euros and his permission to drive vehicles may get revoked for 1 month.

No emergency corridor

So far the fine was only 20 euro for not making an emergency corridor. Right now, as we can read on the website of the German Transport Ministry, the regulations provide for fines of 200 to 320 euro depending on the consequences of the offense:

For only not making the corridor the fine in Germany amounts to 200 euro and 2 penalty points.
– Not making a corridor which leads to blocking an emergency services vehicle amounts to 240 euro penalty, 2 penalty points and ban from driving for a period of 1 month.
– Not making an emergency corridor which is health or life-threatening of, for example a firefighter or the injured party, can lead to a penalty of 280 euros, 2 penalty points and ban from driving for a period of 1 month.
– Not making an emergency corridor which leads to property damage can lead to a penalty of 320 euros, 2 penalty points and ban from driving for a period of 1 month.

Potential criminal consequences of non-compliance with the regulations remain unchanged. Intentional obstruction of assistance to injured persons is punishable by imprisonment for up to one year (§ 323c of the German Criminal Code – StGB). From 30 May 2017 this provision in the StGB also includes blocking the emergency corridor.
