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 LED lights are designed to take a small amount of electricity when turned on, but the fact is
significantly smaller than the amount of electric it is saved by turning them
off. The life of any LED will unaffected by turning it o
n or off. But It’s always better to turn off LED lights.
Not because to save electricity but to save energ y So Pranu Electrico say go
green buy LED lights..  

 Our surface panel are
recessed and They create a natural special atmosphere and catch your eye and
Pranu electrico focused on more
attractive, environment friendly product designs with the target of high visual
comfort and excellent glare control, Since from the day LEDs are in used. Panel
light are placed at the spatial places thus the light will not dir
ect but re-directed
to your viewing surfaces, thus makes this light output smooth, soft and
comfortable with an LED surf ace panel.  
