
Photo © Copyright Hugh Venables

Logistics UK opposed to plan to charge vans and lorries for entry to Cambridge city centre

Proposals by the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) to implement  a ‘Sustainable Travel Zone’ in Cambridge that would see lorries and vans charged to enter the city, has been criticised by Logistics UK.

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As Logistics UK explains, if the proposals are implemented, van drivers will face a daily charge of £10 to enter the zone, while HGV drivers will face a daily charge of £50. The charges will apply between 7am and 7pm on weekdays.

Logistics UK says it supports the GCP’s objective to reduce congestion and emissions in Cambridge and to fund improvements in bus services, walking and cycling. However, it argues that where charges are applied, they should be considered within the wider economic and social context.

Commenting on the plans, Natalie Chapman, Head of Public Affairs, Logistics UK, said:

“The proposed zone covers a very large area and is therefore going to have a significant detrimental impact on logistics companies servicing businesses and residents across the city, particularly if high charge levels are applied to HGVs and vans. For that reason, Logistics UK is strongly opposed to the proposed high daily charge levels for commercial vehicles and the targeting of HGVs and vans in the phasing-in proposals.”

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