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Can working in logistics be easy? Get to know some useful applications

People working in the transport industry face many challenges every day. Using modern technology gives significant convenience and time savings. Explore tools that can be used in your daily work.

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For some, working in logistics is clearly not about feeling comfortable, and improvements are only sought by those with insufficient skills. One may agree or disagree, but it is certain that more and more transport and forwarding companies are implementing new solutions to improve work and supply chain processes..

Working in transport is quite a challenge. While there are companies with different profiles operating in the industry, the people working in them share one common factor – stress. The need to make decisions under time pressure, considering many elements (also financial ones) that affect the smoothness of the whole process. When time runs out, even the greatest skills and competences are not sufficient.

In everyday life, most of us have exchanged traditional and obsolete solutions for modern, often intelligent technologies. Then why not use the available tools in the workplace as well?

What are the benefits of using modern technology?

First of all, they save a lot of time. If a given action takes much less time thanks to the use of the application, the time pressure, and consequently stress, is reduced. The possibility of completing more tasks in less time also increases work efficiency.

On the other hand, a growing number of companies are looking to automate processes and are reaching out to TMS and telematics. Knowledge of the available solutions can not only be attractive to a potential employer, but can also make it easier to get started with the tool. E-logistics is now considered to be the future.

What applications can improve the work in transport?

Excel spreadsheet, calculator and maps are the basic tools in the logistician’s job. With a large number of orders, however, they may not be enough. There are many solutions available on the market that are worth checking.

Transport planning

One of the most popular tools for transport planning are route planners, which help calculate the most optimal route for a truck, even for several loading and unloading places. There are many applications available, with more or less complexity, while the final choice depends on the needs of the company. Bans For Trucks is a more straightforward tool, which lets you find out where trucks are banned from entering. For transport management, there are also GPS modules available to track the exact location of the truck and freight. Toll payments, on the other hand, can be viewed in advance in dedicated toll calculators. Drivers can use the TransParking mobile app to check available parking lots in the area along with facilities.


Communication in the TSL industry is extremely important. The phone is usually the freight forwarder’s primary tool. In some situations, messengers connected to exchange platforms, such as TransMessenger, can be useful, as one can quickly get in touch with contractors. Furthermore, many TMS or GPS systems allow communication between the driver and the shipper so that both can quickly check information about the order.

Order handling

The majority of popular exchange platforms offer mobile apps for even faster processing of orders. Within a few minutes, you can publish or find transport or freight via phone and contact your contractor easily.

Do you carry dangerous goods? There are applications which verify all the ADR information as well as the required safety measures for transport.

Management of payments and documents

For document workflow, driver applications such as fireTMS Driver can come in handy, where, for example, one can add all the documentation about a particular order. This allows the accounting department to invoice the driver as soon as the journey is completed. The self-employed can use the applications to settle employee payments as well as applications for invoice management.

Loading planning application

Loading planners are becoming increasingly popular. One of the available solutions is Goodloading, a web-based application for cargo space optimization.

Most importantly, the application helps one quickly check whether a load will fit on a semi-trailer and decide whether to accept the load, thus avoiding stressful situations. The application users do not need to rely on manual calculations as they can view the entire plan on a 3D visualization. In their daily work, freight forwarders use computers to search for loads or plan routes. Therefore, it is more convenient to plan loading in the same way. By using the application, the planner’s work becomes faster and more effective.

In Goodloading, one can add regularly used vehicles or containers as well as loads, while finished projects with comments can be saved in the user’s account. Thanks to this, it is always possible to go back to previous projects.

The link-sharing functionality allows several people from the company to work together on a single project, whereas sending the project to the person responsible for loading makes the process quick and efficient.

Goodloading is also a tool for beginners in logistics. The application allows one to plan complex loading as quickly as an experienced person, thus minimizing the risk of errors. Moreover, it is not required to have extensive knowledge of planning rules, vehicle sizing or to calculate LDM – all this data is found in the application.

A definite advantage of the application, which distinguishes it from other loading planning tools, is the modern UX, which makes the tool intuitive and easy to use, despite numerous functions. Projects can be prepared anywhere, as Goodloading does not require installation and works on any computer with Internet access.