The research found that the disruption caused by the pandemic means that 72% of chief executives are concerned about losing their jobs next year. A whopping 94% of the CEOs surveyed also said their corporate models would have to be revamped within a 3-year period – a figure referred to by AlixPartners CEO Simon Freakley as “eye-poppingly high”.
The figure showing that 72% of CEOs are worried about losing their jobs is also particularly high when looking at last years equivalent survey, which found 20% less bosses feared being fired.
The data for the survey comes from 3,000 CEOs and executives at the director level in 10 different industry sectors, half with revenues more than $1 billion. The pool was dispersed across North America, Europe and the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific.
Commenting on the results of the survey, Freakly pointed to evidence of more nearshoring:
“They realized that their business models, which have served them well for a number of years, are largely now not fit for the purpose” and they’re rushing to build local, regional and global supply chains, Freakley said. “We went from what was a rolling sea of worry about economic cycles to a choppy sea of all these disruptive forces.”
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