Flickr/ Jernej Furman

New German app allows lorry drivers to authorise covid-19 self-tests

HGV drivers performing transports in Germany can now use a mobile application to validate their covid-19 self-tests. If the result is negative, the certificate will be available in the EU Green Pass, too. However, drivers cannot use just any test for the app.

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The German Federal Association for Freight Transport, Logistics and Disposal (Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung – BGL) and the Transport and Logistics Association in North Rhine-Westphalia, together with the One BioMed GmbH, Langenselbold and Grapevine World GmbH, has created a mobile application service that certifies covid-19 self-tests and provides an EU certification too.

The covid test app is now available for HGV drivers.

The app makes it possible for drivers to carry out a rapid antigen test anytime and anywhere. The testing process is performed under the supervision of an authorised doctor who can issue an EU Green Pass. Therefore, that use of the app provides “tamper-proof and internationally recognized” results, says BGL .

If the result is negative, the EU digital Covid certificate (Green Passport) will be issued within a very short time.

This offer is specifically created for non-BGL members:

How does the app work?

The essence of the online coronavirus testing is that the driver must perform the test while in a video chat and present the test result there. Because the whole testing process has an “eyewitness” it is considered valid.

Before performing the test, the driver must log in to the online application, and then a supervisor must watch through the video camera how the driver performs the test.

If the result is negative, an official certification will be issued which should be recognised everywhere in the EU.

The service is available 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

However, the application can only be performed with a test purchased through BGL. Test kits can be ordered on the website provided above, and if at least 100 pieces are bought, the “BRUMMI10” code provides a 10% discount.

Germany’s 3G, 2G and 2G+ requirements. What are these?

The German government introduced the so-called 3G rules (short for German words “geimpft, genesen, getestet”, meaning “vaccinated, healed, tested”) at the end of November. The rules mean that workers are only allowed to enter an office, factory or other kinds of workplaces if they have been vaccinated against Covid-19, recovered from the disease, or tested negative.

Employers are required to check and document this daily.

Violations can result in a fine of up to 25,000 euros.

The regulations apply from 24 November and are in force until March 19, 2022.

However, since the introduction of the 3G rules, some places have applied stricter requirements. This means that driver might face places where 2G or rarely 2G+ is used. Let’s see what these abbreviations mean:

3G: employees should satisfy any one of the three requirements – so they need to be vaccinated, or provide a negative covid test or proof that they are cured of covid-19.

2G: There are workplaces where a negative test result is not accepted, only those who have been vaccinated or recovered can enter.

2G +: There are places where one can only enter if they have been vaccinated or recovered from covid AND are being tested and their test is negative. A person who has not been vaccinated or who has not contracted the disease can not enter such a place.

German transport organisations worried about driver shortage due to strict covid measures

BGL sees the 3G system itself as a barrier to strictly timed day-to-day logistics.

A survey of more than 10,000 responders carried out by the German organisation found that about 28% of drivers carrying out transportation in Germany were not vaccinated at all or received Sputnik V – which is not recognised in Germany.

However, under the above-mentioned German regulations, those who are not vaccinated must take a coronavirus test in order to be able to work. These tests are much more difficult to organize in the daily lives of drivers due to the variety of loading and unloading facilities, said Dirk Engelhardt, a spokesman for the BGL.

“Some drivers go to five to six stations a day and encounter different requirement like 3G, 2G or 2G +.”

As driver shortage in Germany is significant, the transportation organisations have been worried that the 3G requirement would cause significant delays in transportations, therefore they felt the urge to take the matter into their own hands.
