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Czech roads authority continues rest stop construction despite gripes from locals

The Czech roads authority for the Olomouc region has said it is going to plow on with the development of two new rest stops - despite continued opposition from villagers and local councils.

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In a situation mirroring that of the UK and other countries, locals and their council representatives in the Olomouc region have complained about the alleged noise and pollution that some rest areas will create.

However, despite the claims that the rest stops will contaminate a nearby stream, the Olomouc roads authority is not halting its plan to build two much needed HGV parking areas on the D1 and D48 motorways.

In a recent tweet, the roads authority said:

“Despite the frequent opposition of local governments, we are currently preparing the construction of new rest areas at the same time as we modernize the current ones. A total of 729 new parking spaces are now in the advanced stages of preparation. In the territory of the OL region, these are, for example, two-way rest areas in Milenov (D1 km 303 and 304) and in Polom (D48 km 5).”

The plans illustrated in the tweet show both rest areas will feature outdoor seating areas and toilets. The rest area on the 48 will also incorporate a petrol station.

Commenting on the opposition to rest stops, Miroslav Mazal of the Czech Republic’ highway authority said:

“Efforts to expand the network of rest areas are opposed by the local authorities, which prolongs preparatory and permitting processes and often stops them altogether, as in most cases there is no alternative solution due to the clear motorway route and parking facilities.”
