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Denmark replaces Eurovignette with mileage-based truck toll from 2025

Denmark will soon scrap the Eurovignette and switch to a mileage-based toll system for trucks. The rates and penalties for non-payment of tolls have already been announced, and the new KmToll system will be operational in just a few months.

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The Danish government aims to accelerate the decarbonisation of transport and believes that switching from a time-based vignette to a mileage-based toll system for heavy goods vehicles will help achieve its goal: a 70 per cent reduction in emissions by 2030 and total climate neutrality by 2045.

“The new levy means that the socio-economic costs caused by truck traffic in terms of wear and tear on infrastructure, accidents, noise, air pollution, and contribution to congestion will be covered to a greater extent than at present,” explains the Danish government.

The toll is set to come into effect on 1 January 2025, and Sund & Bælt, the future operator of the toll system under the name KmToll, has already launched a website ( providing information on the rates and penalties associated with the toll.

Starting next year, KmToll will be levied on all trucks over 12 tonnes on a road network of nearly 11,000 kilometres (covering most national roads and parts of the municipal road network). Two years later, the system is planned to be extended to all trucks over 3.5 tonnes. Additionally, the Danish government plans to apply the toll to the entire public road network (approximately 75,000 km) from 1 January 2028.

“A legislative proposal for a change in the law is expected in autumn 2024, which must come into force before the programme can be launched. The expected change means that the weight criterion will shift from the permissible gross vehicle weight of a lorry or combination of vehicles to the technically permissible gross vehicle weight of a motor vehicle. This weight can be found in field F.1 on the registration certificate of the truck or tractor unit,” according to the website of the toll system.

Emission classes and vehicle weight

In addition to vehicle weight, KmToll will also depend on one of five emission classes, in accordance with the Eurovignette Directive (EU Directive 2022/362). The CO2 emission class of a truck is determined based on the specific CO2 emissions of the truck and a specific CO2 reference value for the vehicle sub-group.

 These are the emission classes in the new Danish charging system:

CO2 emission class Description

HGV first registered

  before 1 January 2019 or not belonging to the other CO2 emission classes

2 Lorry with emissions 5% below the CO2 reference value
3 Lorry with emissions 8% below the CO2 reference value
4 Lorry with emissions 50% below the CO2 reference value
5 Zero-emission lorry, e.g., electric or hydrogen-powered

With regard to weight classes, it is planned to classify heavy goods vehicles according to their technically permissible maximum laden weight:

  • 12,000 to 17,999 kilograms,
  • 18,000 to 32,000 kilograms,
  • over 32,000 kilograms.

Higher charges in environmental zones

You will have to pay more to drive a truck in the environmental zones in Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Odense, Aarhus and Aalborg. 

“In these areas, many citizens are particularly exposed to air and noise pollution from truck traffic and traffic accidents, due to the heavy traffic. Therefore, driving in the environmental zones is 50 per cent more expensive than on other toll roads,” – explains the operator.

View map of the environmental zones

Rates of the new fees

Rates for the 12 000 to 17 999 kg weight class

CO2 emission class Rates outside the green zone per km Rates in the green zone
1 DKK 1.12 DKK 1,68
2 DKK 1,00 DKK 1,50
3 DKK 0,88 DKK 1,32
4 DKK 0,59 DKK 0,88
5 DKK 0,20 DKK 0,30


Rates for the 18,000 to 32,000 kg weight class

CO2 emission class Rates outside the green zone per km Rates in the green zone
1 DKK 1,26 DKK 1,89
2 DKK 1,13 DKK 1,7
3 DKK 1,0 DKK 1,5
4 DKK 0,66 DKK 0,99
5 DKK 0,20 DKK 0,30


Rates for the weight class with a gross vehicle weight of more than 32 000 kg

CO2 emission class Rates outside the green zone per km Rates in the green zone
1 DKK 1,35 DKK 2,03
2 DKK 1,22 DKK 1,83
3 DKK 1,09 DKK 1,63
4 DKK 0,71 DKK 1,06
5 DKK 0,20 DKK 0,30

Checks and penalties for non-payment of tolls

Denmark will enforce toll payment using various methods, including automatic number plate recognition.

To determine whether a truck is liable for the toll, they will use:

  • Technology that classifies the vehicle type and determines its size.
  • Digital short-range communication (DSRC) scanners to check if the truck is operating with the required on-board equipment.

“Your truck’s number plate will be automatically read by cameras at both fixed and mobile checkpoints. Fixed checkpoints are located at selected junctions based on Denmark’s geographical layout. Additionally, mobile control units will be deployed along the route and moved as needed to ensure coverage across the country. These stationary and mobile units can collect relevant digital information about all passing trucks and recognise their number plates,” explains the operator.

Both Danish and foreign hauliers will be penalised if they fail to pay the toll. The fine will be DKK 4,500 (approx €600 ), and a vehicle can incur one fine per day (a continuous 24-hour period).
