
Despite denials from the authorities, unmarked trucks are being used to impose fines in Spain

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A Spanish woman from Almeria recently shared a ticket imposed by officials from the General Directorate for Road Traffic (DGT), who were allegedly driving an unmarked truck. This allowed them to catch her when she was using her phone behind the wheel.

Last month, the Spanish media reported on the first ticket that DGT issued using an unmarked truck. The Directorate in Spain has long denied use of unmarked trucks to punish drivers, reports

The penalty imposed on the woman is €200, because she violated Article 18.2 of the road traffic regulations by holding a mobile phone in her hand while driving.

As we read on the ticket shared online, “the offence was observed from an unmarked truck’.”

Equipment and vehicles of the Spanish DGT

The Spanish General Directorate for Road Traffic uses, among other things, velolasers, i.e. a new generation of laser radars, fixed radars, drones and even helicopters to control roads.

Officers also have more than 200 cameras at their disposal to catch drivers using telephones while driving. In addition, the Spanish services use a dozen or so delivery trucks and, more recently, unmarked trucks.

Below you can see a picture of one of the trucks, spotted on a motorway in Galicia:

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