In the first month of 2024, trucks with a DMC of 7.5 tonnes or more travelled around 3.168 billion kilometres on Germany’s toll roads. This is 0.1% less than in the same period last year.
The mileage of German lorries fell by 1.5% to around 1.77 billion kilometres.
When it comes to foreign lorries, the Polish hauliers, whose lorries typically travel the most in Germany, increased their mileage by 1.9% to 0.63 billion kilometres in January. This brings the share of Polish lorries on German roads to 19.6% (compared to 19.2% in January).
As a reminder, the share of Polish lorries in the total statistics for 2023 was the highest ever (i.e. since the German authority has been publishing reports) at 19.05%.
After Poland, Lithuanian lorries are the most frequent foreign trucks in Germany. HGVs from this country improved on last year’s result by 10.1 per cent and covered around 122 million kilometres on German toll roads in January of this year.