
Domino’s Pizza repairs over 200 potholes to deliver pizza faster

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Due to the poor condition of American roads, the Domino’s Pizza network was often faced with problems while delivering the pizza to its customers. The company said enough and decided to take matters into its own hands. This is how the Paving For Pizza action started to repair the potholes and guarantee a quicker delivery.

The aim of the Paving For Pizza campaign is not only to increase the quality of the transported pizza, but above all to improve the local infrastructure. Pizzeria wants to help both its suppliers and people who transport the dish themselves.

Holes, damages and deflections in the roads can cause irreversible damage to your pizza during the return journey from our pizzeria. We can not stand idle and let your double cheese slide completely to one side and the box will turn upside down! We decided to help and renovate the largest holes in the country to save our good pizza from these bad roads – explains the company humorously.

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So far, the campaign has covered four cities in the USA. In total, over 200 potholes were repaired:

Bartonville, Texas – 40 repaired potholes; Burbank, California – 5; Athens in Georgia – 150 and Milford in Delaware – 8.

Each of the renovated potholes was marked with the company logo and the watchword of the action that read „oh yes we did”. Interestingly, pizzeria customers can also report places that require repair by filling out the appropriate form on the official website of the campaign.

The Pawing for Pizza action is undoubtedly an example of a successful marketing campaign that not only effectively promotes the brand, but also contributes to the improvement of local infrastructure. In a sense, it is a nose-trick to the city authorities who have not been able to deal with the problem so far.

Photo: YouTube/Domino’sPizza
