The Netherlands Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport – ILT) has published its Long-Term Plan, according to which the number of roadside checks will probably not increase in the coming years.
The Dutch transport and logistics association TLN has found the news “highly undesirable”:
“Without enough physical enforcement along the road, the chance of foreign vehicles being caught remains low,” – TLN said in a statement.
In the aforementioned Long-Term Plan, ILT also explained that it is to increase hauliers’ digital inspections, which started last year.
Although TLN expects that this form of enforcement will contribute to increased compliance with legislation and regulations, this will mainly apply to Dutch carriers. Transport companies located elsewhere are not digitally checked.
The Dutch transport organisation is thus arguing for a structural increase in the physical enforcement capacity and wants to see a specific plan for enforcing road transport rules on foreign vehicles.