
By pcruciatti / Adobe Stock

DVS grace period extended until May 2025

The decision has been welcomed by Logistics UK.

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Enforcement of the new Progressive Safe System (PPS) rules related to the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) in London will not start until 4th May 2025 due to the existing grace period being extended by 6 months.

The decision was made by London Councils’ Transport and Environment Committee yesterday.

Commenting on the news, Chris Yarsley, Senior Policy Manager at Logistics UK, said:

“After intensive negotiations between TfL and Logistics UK, AICES and RHA, we welcome the decision that provides our members with the time, and peace of mind, to ensure they can comply with the stricter standards. Our members remain committed to the very highest standards of road safety, and the extension will ensure that there is sufficient time for hauliers to source and fit the required equipment.”

Yarsely also explained that TfL will be required to provide additional information to smooth the introduction of the new rules, namely information on real-world testing of equipment. This includes measures to mitigate phase two equipment obsolescence, details of equipment, and fitters’ availability and mitigating sensory overload of drivers.

However, despite the grace period extension, Yarsley stressed that hauliers should continue their preparations with the date of October 28th in mind:

“It is nevertheless important for operators to continue their preparations regarding the new DVS standard because the regulations will still change on 28 October. The London Councils’ decision does not change this date, but it does provide a sensible grace period to ensure operators can comply without incurring financial penalties.”

Photo by pcruciatti / Adobe Stock