Energy Saving Trust, Zemo Partnership and DfT relaunch portal to help operators cut emissions

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Energy Saving Trust, Zemo Partnership and the Department for Transport (DfT) have relaunched the Freight Portal in order to support operators in their attempts to cut carbon emissions and fuel bills.

According to a statement released by the aforementioned 3 parties, the relaunched portal contains information on vehicle adaptations, training courses, and telematics systems.

It also illustrates how freight operators can make their operations more efficient, improve their green credentials, expand the skill set of their drivers and become more economical in the long term.

In addition, the refreshed portal now includes new case studies, worked costings examples, and new tools that provide further free and impartial advice.

Commenting on the news, Rachel Maclean, the UK’s Transport Minister, said the website would help operators cut costs as well as emissions:

“As we strive to Build Back Greener from the pandemic, the relaunched Freight Portal will provide freight operators with useful information and support to make their operations more efficient. It’s packed with advice and ideas that will not only help operators of all sizes cut their costs, but also reduce their carbon footprint.”

Moreover, Andy Eastlake, Managing Director of Zemo Partnership, added that the portal would assist operators as they navigate their first steps towards decarbonisation:

“We and our 200+ members know that the journey to low and zero emissions starts with having good and reliable information, whether about available technologies, policies, cost-effective solutions or learnings from people who have already shown the way. The Freight Portal helps fleet operators to navigate those important first steps towards decarbonisation. We’re pleased to be working with DfT and Energy Saving Trust, bringing many of the key participants together to make support available to every operator in the road freight sector.”

Finally, Tim Anderson, Group Head of Transport a the Energy Saving Trust, highlighted the website’s fuel cost cutter tool:

“The revamped Freight Portal will be an excellent resource for road freight operators of all sizes and will support them in their efforts to reduce emissions from vehicle operations and lower costs. The new fuel cost cutter tool can identify potential savings that operators can make by taking action right away, and our new suite of guides, case studies and reports will provide insight and encouragement for businesses within the freight industry, allowing them to move goods in a more sustainable way as we head towards net zero.”

Operators can visit the portal today and sign up for newsletters and updates on further new developments and tools to help reduce carbon emissions and costs at:

Photo: © Copyright Christopher Hilton and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.