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EU adopts new standards for safe and secure HGV parks

The European Commission has adopted new EU standards and procedures to support the development of safe and secure HGV parks throughout the EU. The initiative is intended to improve resting conditions for drivers, and to protect them from violence and cargo crime.

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The new EU standards categorise parking areas according to four security levels: bronze, silver, gold and platinum. This will allow operators to choose the level of security that they need according to the value of the goods they are carrying.

The over security standard is defined by the security of the following:

  • the perimeter of the area,
  • the parking area itself,
  • entry/exit points,
  • staff procedures.

For instance, a certified bronze parking area can secure a site through video surveillance of certain areas, while a platinum parking area is monitored by staff on-site at all times, using additional security measures, such as licence plate recognition technology at entry and exit points.

Regardless of the level of security, a safe and secure parking area must also ensure that drivers have access to all necessary facilities, such as showers, toilets, facilities to purchase food and drinks, and internet connection.

In 2019, an EU study identified a lack of 100,000 overnight parking spaces for heavy-duty vehicles, as well as a lack of safe and secure parking areas. Right now, of the 300,000 available spaces, only 7,000 are located in certified secure parking areas.
