Finding Supply Chain solutions to respond to the current emergency

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COVID-19 hit businesses, modifying alongside consumer’s behaviour. It is urgent for health and economy wellbeing to minimise risks, build resilience, and connect more deeply with customers. Organisations need to re-evaluate their systems, processes, channels, offerings, and partners. SCs are now at the forefront of this effort.

Leaders are deploying different approaches to respond quickly to the emergency. They will need to look for the skilled-employee with the common sense, anticipation, and response capabilities to cope with ‘next to normal’ in 2021.

Supply Chain Control Tower solution

Advanced Control Towers allow Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics to detect potential problems that restrain users from the most favourable solutions on SC constraints, through AI advanced-algorithms that can anticipate likely issues to happen. Prescriptive Analytics afford solutions in an automatic-optimised manner at the global and regional level.

Omnichannel solution

2020 revealed that it is imperative to change SC processes to ensure business continuity, enhance resilience, and succeed. Companies need to take advantage of every existing channel – eCommerce, direct-to-consumer, retail, distributors, etc.; when natural or human-made disrupt any channel, you count on an alternative one.

Organisations will require strengthening demands throughout every channel to raising service levels, minimising costs, whilst growing revenues. Do so in more achievable SC platforms.

Direct-to-Consumer solution

To take advantage of a channel, you will need to consider production and delivery. An e-Commerce technology able to manage the constant-multiplying choices and SKUs customers are demanding, plus last-mile logistics, and a return process; a network-multi-enterprise platform offers the best solution for direct-to-consumer.

No more information and lead-time lags

The harsh lesson this current pandemic brought was the need to quickly recognise possible-disruptive risk and understand the need suppliers have to know it right away. Information and lead-time lags were the cause why several organisations could not respond when the crisis hit.

Firms must improve collaboration within their SC networks and deploy modern-real-time tools and processes to accomplish zero time-lags. This kind of platforms delivers a consolidated version of the truth for every business participant.

Global Demand-Supply Matching (GDSM) solution

This year, companies will be operating technologies that meet demands with existing supply, matching supply lead-times. To cut costs and enhance service levels require re-distributing goods according to orders in near real-time as events change.

Organisations with GDSM approach will better benefit from it in 2021. When rapid changes in demand and supply make it impossible a historical prediction, the suitable strategy is to count on an agile GDSM approach to reallocate and heighten the use of resources and manufacturing function.

Supply Networks solution

An organisation should focus on fortifying its supply business networks. They will need multiparty platforms and intense collaboration with co-manufacturers suppliers, customers, distributors and carriers. In 2021 they will implement unified platforms to hold up inflexible real-time, concerted-workflows projections, procedures, demands, inventories, shipments, and Estimated Time Arrivals (ETAs.)

While improved communication of data and collaboration roll along to eliminate miscalculations and incompetence, all partners can force out costs and develop their capacities through business network approaches, allowing you to on-board and off-board suppliers faster, when needed.

Enterprise Resource Planning Silos

Your company must eliminate ERPs as they are inefficient-business obstacles; costly inventory buffers, diminished service levels, high-cost maintenance, and more become a blockage to the processes.

The best solution is the realignment of SC workflows to a collaborative-business-network platform that cuts all these silos. This solution is suitable for the organisation’s unique priorities, generating value along the way. Global organisations see network solutions as the only sustainable-fastest way out of these unfavourable circumstances.

Cold Chain solution

The demand for vaccines to palliate the virus is vital for every human, making the Cold Chain crucial to control the whole SC temperature continuously. Temperature-sensitive products such as medicines, chemical products and even food demand for this Cold Chain to thoroughly monitoring, track-and-tracing developments or a chain of custody from the very point of origin; sharing information to multiple parties and sites is a challenging responsibility crucial for this kind of goods.

Business network platforms’ capabilities will gradually become companies’ primary need. Leaders must deal with such Cold Chain products’ accountabilities, supervising orders and delivering them throughout supply and distribution tiers while observing all regulations and certifying they meet product’s specifications.

Further comments: businesses must carry on administrative changes in this “next to normal.” Focusing on better workflow automation and edge-AI capabilities concerning Prescriptive Analytics and autonomous agents, corporations will get the skills needed to adopt new SC software tech to improve resilience and competitiveness.

These new automation technologies will broadly take away multiple responsibilities within the company; thus, turning your company into more AI-supported decision-making, data-driven, and much more automated.

Are your re-organising your company’s SC processes to become more efficiently-automated?