The driver, named as Nicolaie-Daniel Candrea, received notice of his fine yesterday at Suffolk Magistrates Court.
It is said that the 31-year-old lorry driver had been working for Zoom Driving at the time. East Anglian Times writes that the haulage firm has since ceased trading, though trans.iNFO has learned that ‘Zoom Driving Limited’ is still active according to companies house.
The companies house database shows that ‘Zoom Driving Limited’ is directed by Romanian Darius Florin Pop. He was also fined a whopping £10,309 yesterday according to the local newspaper report.
Candrea’s defence told the court that he had broken drivers’ hours rules not for economic gain but in order to spend more time with his family.
He was nonetheless fined £1,638 after pleading guilty to all charges.
Photo: John Fielding / Flickr / CC BY 2.0