Photo: Road Safety Authority Ireland

Fines for 16 different road safety offences in Ireland have now doubled

During the Road Safety Authority’s Annual Conference in Croke Park, Ireland's Minister of State of Transport, Ms Hildegarde Naughton, said that fines for 16 different road safety offences are to double from October 27th.

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The most high profile changes are as follows:

  • Speeding (from €80 to €160)
  • Use of a mobile phone while driving (from €60 to €120)
  • Non-wearing of seatbelts (from €60 to €120)
  • Not ensuring a child is properly restrained (from €60 to €120)

In addition to this, it was announced that three new Fixed Charge Notices will apply from 2023.

These concern the misuse of a disabled parking permit (€200). Illegally parking in an electric charging bay (€80). Breaching an HGV ban or entering a specified public road without a valid permit will entail a fine of €200.

The AA has also warned drivers that if one fails to pay the fines within a 28-day period, the fines increase to €180 or €240. Failure to pay after a further 28-day period and the fine increases again to €240 or €320.

The full list of changes can be found here on the RSA website.

Speaking at this week’s RSA’s Annual Conference, Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Ms. Hildegarde Naughton, said:

“As of today there have been 122 people killed on the road, an increase of 11 on this day last year, and compared to 2019. In response to the increase in road deaths this year, this summer I announced that I was bringing forward the implementation of Action 30 in the Road Safety Strategy to review the penalties for serious road traffic offences and said that I intended to increase the fines for those offences that significantly contribute to road deaths. 

Last week I signed the necessary regulations, which will double the fixed charge penalty for a total of 16 high-risk driving offences including speeding, use of a mobile phone while driving, failure to wear a seatbelt or use an appropriate child restraint, and unaccompanied learner driving. This increase will come into effect after midnight tonight. These fines have not increased since they were introduced, in some cases almost 20 years ago. Increasing fines for road offences will act as a stronger deterrent to those who choose to break our lifesaving rules of the road.

Ireland’s current Road Safety Strategy outlines Safe Speeds as one of the main priority intervention areas. I’m delighted to see an emphasis, in today’s annual conference, on 30km/h speed limits. Setting more 30km/h speed limits on our streets is essential if we are to make our cities, towns and villages safe for communities, but it also has a role to play in tackling climate change and encouraging modal shift to more sustainable transport options.”

Photo © Copyright David Dixon and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.