“Floodlit like Wembley” – Kent residents complain about light pollution from Brexit lorry park

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Residents living nearby the Sevington inland border facility in Kent, which was built to deal with customs issues created by Brexit, have taken to a local newspaper to show their anger and frustration over the light pollution the facility generates.

Anita Adams, who lives about a mile away from the lorry park, told Kent Online that the site was “monstrosity”. Ms Adams also expressed frustration about the location of the facility:

I cannot begin to imagine how intrusive it is to those who live much closer. The site is situated at a high level so there is no getting away from it. When I think about Bluewater or even closer industrial sites in Ashford, they are usually placed at low level with adequate screening for both noise and light.

Ms Adams then went on to question why the facility should be so well-lit:

I would like to know what is going to be done about reducing the light pollution and when. Even changing the colour of the super-white lighting to a softer, more yellow lighting would help. Do they need so many lights? These lorry drivers are professionals – do the facilities have to be floodlit like Wembley Stadium?

Another Kent resident who complained to Kent Online about the issue was Linda Arthur, who lives in Mersham:

Mersham residents are shocked and disappointed at the level of light pollution. We have completely lost the dark night sky. The light pollution can clearly be seen from the nearby villages of Aldington and Wye and the impact on wildlife and bats must be considerable. We urgently need some form of mitigation.

In response to the complaints, a Department for Transport spokesperson told Kent Online:

We are aware of residents’ concerns and have acted on feedback to minimise disturbance, by turning off the lights in one of the most public sections of the site as well as commissioning a detailed lighting survey to better understand the issue.

According to a local councillor, the Department for Transport has appointed lighting consultants to see what adjustments can be made.

Photo credit (illustrative image): iemlee / Pixabay
