Photo: Wikimedia / Zeisterre CCA-SA 3.0

France: customs officers are still protesting. Also, carriers are blocking A16 today.

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The French customs officers are still on strike, and the carriers of the FNTR transport association are also planning to protest today. Get ready for further difficulties on A16.

Customs officials are still protesting at Calais, Dunkirk and the entrance of the Eurotunnel. As a result of prolonged control procedures, long queues of trucks have been created on A16 and A25 . Drivers have to wait for hours to check-in, and they are complaining about the lack of sanitary facilities. Also, they are exposed to attacks and burglaries of immigrants who want to get to Great Britain.

Below is the post of a German driver who is at the Calais area now. The driver travelled only 10 km in the last 24 hours:

Carriers are protesting at the Belgian border

At 6 pm today, the French organisation of FNTR announced a protest at A16 at the border of Belgium in Ghyvelde. Transport companies are outraged by the situation in Calais and Dunkirk. By blocking the highway, they want to force the government to solve problems in ports and come to an agreement with customs officers.

Photo: Wikimedia / Zeisterre CCA-SA 3.0
