Photo © Copyright Mat Fascione

Construction plan to lower road under frequently struck bridge

One of Britain's bridges most frequently struck by lorries may never be struck again after plans were approved that involve lowering the road under the bridge itself.

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During a meeting of the Hinckley and Bosworth’s planning committee earlier this month, it was revealed that developers intend to construct a warehouse and office nearby the railway bridge on A5 Watling Street.

As part of the plans, the developers have said they shall lower the road under the bridge.

The plans have been approved despite concerns from councillors that the new buildings will increase traffic due to the 2,500 people who will eventually commute there.

According to the BBC, Committee member Ted Hollick stressed that signs about the low bridge were easy to see and read, adding: “Yet people still hit the bridge. It’s the drivers that need educating, but I welcome anything that’s done to eradicate this problem.”

The BBC also quoted fellow committee member Keith Lynch, who claimed the lowering of the bridge was “a cherry that’s been put on the top of this cake to make us accept it.”

Photo © Copyright Mat Fascione and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence