The Petrol Retailers Association (PRA) said today that only 71% of filling stations in London and the South East have petrol and diesel. This is despite the help from army, the tanker driver visa scheme, and the suspension of competition law.
On Wednesday, the PRA said that Independent forecourts were reporting “a complete lack of visibility” as to when their next delivery might arrive. The association also claimed that some pumps have been dry for as long as four days.
Gordon Balmer, PRA Executive Director, claims that the suspension of competition law does not appear to be helping matters:
“We have yet to see any explanation from the Government of the benefits arising from the suspension of competition law between the major oil companies in the delivery of downstream fuel. We need to restore a competitive market with incentives for those who deliver on the job.”
Balmer added that the government’s response to the problem had “only limited success in London and the South East”.
The PRA Executive director also highlighted the fact that the fuel shortages were also affecting the sale of goods at petrol station shops:
“Most independent retailers have built a reputation with their local customers for reliable service, good facilities and a well-stocked convenience store. Sadly retailers have been throwing away large quantities of fresh produce as the “Closed” sign has deterred not just forecourt business but shop sales too, with some quoting reductions in non-fuel sales of between 20 and 50%.
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