

Future-proof your supply chain for the next disruption {webinar}

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As many industries have re-opened, the impact on the supply chain is far from over and will be long-lasting as the economy recovers and consumer confidence rebuilds. The pandemic poses many uncertainties to businesses such as local lockdowns, a second outbreak with winter approaching and temporary supply chain disruptions, all of which could have a catastrophic impact for businesses if they are not continuously managing their network of suppliers or workflow accordingly.

When COVID-19 is a distant memory, organisations that will thrive will be those that invested in smart technology and built intelligent workflows to digitise their supply chain making them more agile and better able to sense and respond to demand signals.

Hear about:

  • The emerging trends for supply chains across industries post pandemic
  • How you can future-proof your supply chain for the next disruption
  • How to bring your supply chain transformation to the forefront of your IT roadmap.

Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Time: 12:00 PM British Summer Time

Duration: 45 minutes



Photo: pixabay
