
Photo credits @ Facebook/ Sprint Tank

Germany approves HVO100 synthetic biodiesel for filling stations

The German government has authorised the sale of HVO100 fuel. According to the regulation, petrol stations can sell it from 29 May. The first dispensers have appeared in two German metropolitan areas.

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From 29 May 2024, the climate-friendly HVO100 fuel can be sold at German petrol stations. The relevant regulation (10th BImSchV) was published in the Federal Law Gazette on 28 May, reports the German automobile club ADAC.

HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) fuel consists of waste materials such as used cooking oils or fat residues. In its pure form (HVO100), the fuel reduces CO2 emissions from diesel vehicles by up to 90 per cent compared to diesel from extraction. HVO therefore carries great potential for decarbonising transport using the current fleet of internal combustion engine vehicles.

“Climate protection targets cannot be achieved with new CO2-neutral vehicles alone. The development of electromobility and the climate-friendly further development of fuels for existing vehicles must go hand in hand. The approval of HVO100 is the next big step. Manufacturers are now obliged to design new vehicles for the use of HVO100 and to test older models and approve them for use,” emphasises Karsten Schulze, President of ADAC Technology.

However, the Automobile Club points out that HVO100 can only be refuelled in vehicles approved for this type of fuel.

The first distributors are already there

Following the approval of the fuel, HVO100 is now available at the first stations in Germany. Distributors with the synthetic fuel have appeared in Munich and Berlin, reports the German automobile club Mobil in Deutschland e.V. It adds that the price of the new fuel is currently 9 euro cents higher than conventional diesel and is labelled XTL.

You can fill up with HVO100 in Berlin at the Sprint station at Kniprodestrasse 25 and in Munich at the BK station at Baaderstrasse 6 near Isartor.
