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Germany: cannabis driving law to take effect shortly

The legalisation of cannabis in Germany will soon be accompanied by corresponding traffic regulations. The amendment to the law regarding tolerance limits while driving and the associated penalties has cleared its final hurdle.

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As of 1 April, the intoxicating substance THC is no longer legally classified as a narcotic. The law, which the Bundesrat approved at the beginning of July, was signed by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on 16 August 2024, according to dpa. The law will thus enter into force the day after its promulgation in the Federal Law Gazette. The order for promulgation has already been issued.

Driving under the influence of cannabis will be costly

An independent group of experts from the fields of medicine, law, transport, and the police, commissioned by the Ministry of Transport, has established a new THC limit for road traffic, which has been adopted.

Accordingly, a limit of 3.5 nanograms per millilitre of blood has been set for the active cannabis ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Stricter regulations apply to novice drivers and cases of mixed substance consumption.

The following fines and penalties apply for non-compliance with the regulations:

  • 500 euros and a one-month driving ban for 3.5 nanograms of THC or more in the blood,
  • at least 1,000 euros for mixed consumption,
  • up to 3,500 euros for repeated offences.

For novice drivers during the two-year driving licence probationary period and for those under 21 years old, there is an absolute ban on cannabis while driving. Offences are generally punishable by a fine of 250 euros.
