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Hungary-Slovakia Danube bridge reopens to HGVs

Weight restrictions have been lifted on the Vámosszabadi (Medve) bridge on the Slovakian border with Hungary, so lorries won't have to make a detour from yesterday, 6 August.

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Reconstruction work on the bridge on the Hungarian-Slovakian border between the towns of Nagymegyer and Vámosszabadi has been completed, Hungarian road operator Magyar Közút announced.

This means that the 3.5-tonne weight limit imposed in May last year on the Vámosszabadi (Medve) bridge has been lifted, eliminating the long detour via the Danube bridges at Komárom and Monostor.

As a result, both passenger and freight traffic can now use the Vámosszabadi, main road 14, Medve Danube bridge north of Győr without restriction.
