As one of the famous songwriters wrote – “man’s thing is to be far away, and woman’s – to wait faithfully.” These words are best understood by the wives and partners of truck drivers, who spend most of their lives waiting for a safe return of their better half.
One Spanish woman, Maria Merino decided to become a voice for all these brave women who spend days and weeks waiting for their partner’s return. She also has a piece of advice for the drivers. Read the messages that Maria Merino wants you to hear.
If your partner is a truck driver, best of luck. If you are a trucker, appreciate your wife
The driver’s wife is married to a man who also married his job, colleagues and a truck.
The drivers’ wives make breakfasts for them in the middle of the night to spend the next dozen or several dozen nights in solitude.
They must learn words they do not even understand.
They must fight other women who would like to take their place and believe that this will not happen.
They must understand that he is returning tired and all he needs is a dream.
They have to get used to sudden changes of plans and holidays in solitude.
They need to become familiar with the engines, wheels, and smell of diesel and accept that they generally raise children themselves.
Nobody prepares them for such a life – some know that it is worth it, although it is difficult … Others give up …
They spend days listening and still learning how to love those who others do not respect.
They are the witnesses of frustration because hardly anyone appreciates their work that reflects on their health.
They must be friends to listen to them, lovers, to love them and wives to care for them. They must also understand that they love their work.
To be a truck driver is to be a special woman! ”
Of course, this is the opinion of Maria Merino, but certainly, some of these “truths” are close to you. How do you deal with separation?
Photo: MoodyBase