Today’s headline story: InPost bringing more parcel lockers to 3 major European cities
InPost has said it is bringing parcel lockers to 3 major European cities thanks to partnerships with the cities’ public transport operators. The deals, some of which were announced last year, follow the company’s existing agreement with Transport for London.
Deals with Transport for Greater Manchester, Transport Metropolitans de Barcelona and ATAC S.p.A will see InPost’s parcel lockers installed next to public transport stops in Manchester, Barcelona and Rome.
Keen to emphasise how these agreements will make its parcel lockers accessible to many people, InPost has referred to the passenger stats cited by the three public transport operators.
“Residents of the Manchester area take almost 6 million journeys on the public transport network each day, and 1.5 billion per year, while Transport Metropolitans de Barcelona serves more than 425 million users per year, or more than 29 million passengers per month. In Rome, where the Metro system operated by ATAC S.p.A carries 300 million passengers every year, passengers will have access to 21 locker sites spread across the network’s three lines,” stresses the Polish parcel locker giant, in its press release.
Rafał Brzoska, InPost’s CEO, also reiterated the environmental benefits of parcel lockers in the company’s press release, as well as arguing that the lockers “give people yet another reason to leave their cars at home”.
“In these three cities, commuters can now send and receive parcels on their way to or from work, at the time and place that fits best into the rhythm of their daily life,” added the InPost CEO.
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Call to action – Out of Home delivery in Europe 2023 report
The Last Mile Experts team, together with partner Analysys Mason, invite you to participate in a project aimed at presenting the latest information on European OOH networks – PUDO points and APMs.
The goal of the third edition of our Out of Home delivery in Europe report is to present data on the development of PUDO and APM networks supporting an environmentally friendly methods of last mile delivery. Since the first edition of our report in 2021, many European (EU & UK) carriers and operators have shared information with us about the number of PUDO and APM points.
However, there is a sizable group that has not provided us with data until now, and those we have presented have come from available press materials, interviews and website information. Every year there are also new networks that are just entering the OOH delivery business. So we invite everyone who has not yet submitted their data to participate (for free) in our project this year.
You can get more information and an simplified application form by writing to We are collecting data for the report up to and including February 17, 2023.
For those who have not yet had the opportunity to read the previous editions of the reports, you can do so here and become acquainted with its concept and what it strives to achieve. You can also find more information via Linkedin.
Thank you from Last Mile Experts and the Analysys Mason team.
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