Photo credits @ the Italian Ministry of Transport

Italy earmarks €300m in diesel price support for road hauliers

The Italian government has announced the allocation of €300 million to help road hauliers offset the high cost of diesel fuel.

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The decrees releasing the funds have been signed by the Ministry of Transport (Mit) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (Mef), announced the Central Committee of the Register of Road Hauliers of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport on Wednesday 9th August.

The reimbursements will take the form of a tax credit and will be distributed as follows

  • €200 million for third-party hauliers
  • €85 million for own-account hauliers
  • €15 million for passenger transport

Paolo Uggè, national president of FAI and vice-president of Conftrasporto-Concommercio, welcomed the government’s decision. He said that the decrees “remove bureaucratic obstacles” and that the government was “putting into practice an important part of the signed agreement,” according to sectoral news site Trasnporti Italia.

Uggè has also called for the release of funds for the Mare Bonus, a tax credit for the maritime sector, and for the government to give concrete implementation to the table of rules for the road transport sector. These rules aim to improve market access and defend the principle of freedom of movement, particularly at the Brenner Pass.
