Until now, the Italian Highway Code provided for a maximum length of sets of 16.5 metres. However, following years of testing, this dimension can now be extended to 18 metres as a result of a decree published in the Official Journal last week.
The aforementioned test, the Diciotto project, was launched in 2009 in Italy. Since then, more than 300 long sets have travelled around the country under the close observation of the authorities, carriers and the industry association Anfia (Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica).
“The project had excellent results in terms of road safety and optimization of heavy transport logistics,” – reports the portal trasporti-italia.com.
The maximum total weight of sets remains unchanged. Due to the extension of the semi-trailer by 1.5 meters, the area of the hold will increase.
Pubblicato ieri in GU il #DLinfrastrutture: libera circolazione in ambito nazionale degli #autoarticolati da #18m oggetto della sperimentazione del #ProgettoDiciotto avviato nel 2009 da @mims_gov e ANFIA@AndreaBertoja: importante risultato https://t.co/TJAygAPQjH#ANFIASocial pic.twitter.com/bmPY17PuDr
— ANFIA (@ANFIA_it) September 11, 2021
The Anfia Association points out that the use of 18-metre sets will help to “rationalize logistic flows”, which, in turn, will reduce the number of lorries on the road and reduce harmful gas emissions.