
Italy: Salary dumping in Lombardy

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Italy wants to fight against dumping in the Eastern Europe by signing the Road alliance, however this problem also applies to their own country. An international company employed Romanian drivers in Lombardy for 307 euro a month.

According to, German transport website, Romanian drivers who worked for the international company in Lombardy (region in the North of Italy) were not even getting 3 euro per hour. 70 employees agreed to sign a contract on Romanian conditions. They were to be paid partly in euro and in Romanian lei. refers to the Italian media and reports that their monthly salary was 307 euro.

As it turns out, the drivers could not could not even count on such a low salary – they still haven’t seen the money for their work. What is more, the German website reports that according to the documents the drivers were in Italy only a few days and carried out the rest of their work in Romania. In fact, the opposite was true.

Editorial team comments: Italian hypocrisy

Last year Italy followed the example of Germany and France and introduced a minimum wage for posted workers, and therefore also for the drivers. In January this year Italy was also one of the signatories of the so-called Road alliance, the main objective of which is to fight against social and salary dumping.

Well, it seems that the provisions of the agreement signed by „the nine” (France, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Sweden and Norway) apply only to unfair practices of Eastern-European companies.
