
Latest BAG checks: 6% of lorries found guilty of cabotage violations

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The latest checks by Germany’s Federal Office for Goods Transport saw 43 lorries fall foul of cabotage regulations, resulting in security deposits totalling €37,530.

According to, the checks were conducted on January 13th and 14th on roads typically used by commercial vehicles. This includes roads near major industrial centres, warehouses and ports.

Of the 715 vehicles that were checked for compliance with cabotage regulations, 43 were guilty of violations. This means just over 6% failed to adhere to the rules.

In addition to compliance with the cabotage regulations, the BAG also checked whether driving and rest time regulations were being followed. However, the inspectors have not yet published any figures in relations to this.

In total, €37,530 of security deposits were taken as a result of the violations. The BAG warn than they will be continuing their checks and are using data from existing checks to decide where to carry out future inspections.

Photo credit: Mateus2019 / Wikimedia Commons
