
Latest BAG checks in Germany detect 30 violations of cabotage rules

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The Federal Office for Goods Transport in Germany has announced the latest results of their roadside checks on compliance with cabotage laws.

The checks were carried out on November 26th in close proximity to the factories of car manufacturers and suppliers in Baden-Württemberg, as well as in the immediate vicinity of large logistics and mail order companies.

According to the BAG, 129 employees of the road and toll control service and the BAG’s operations control service took part in the checks.

The officers monitored a total of 597 vehicles for compliance with the cabotage regulations, of which 106 trucks actually carried out cabotage trips. Of those 106 cabotage trips, 30 were deemed illegal, which is 28% of the total. Overall, security deposits of around 38,800 euros had to be paid out by those who broke the regulations.

The BAG say that the results of their regular checks are being gathered, evaluated and incorporated into its systems for the purpose of running more operational controls regarding unauthorized cabotage .

According to its own information, the BAG has already found that illegal cabotage is in decline in areas where regular checks have been conducted in the past. In addition, the Federal Office for Goods Transport say they intend to carry out further checks on cabotage regulations in the coming months.

Photo credit: Wikimedia/Dg-505 CC A 3.0
