Starting right now, define your company strategy for the year ahead and decide what you want to commit as a leader based on all the options newly available to you. Outstanding leaders identify how to balance emotions that help them make better decisions, positively impacting their shareholders, employees, customers, and organisations.
This sort of decision encompasses changes, stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and sometimes the unfavourable reactions of others. Leaders frequently have to make challenging choices, such as what course to lead the company, whether to keep or relocate an employee or not, whether or not to share news, good or bad, with shareholders, and many other such challenges.
Essential qualities great leaders must develop.
– Emotional Intelligence
it is a leader’s essential quality; the talent to comprehend and manage the leader’s emotions and others; it is a leader’s basic quality. Such feeling is transmittable; a leader’s mood will resonate with others and set a dynamic environment.
Being self-aware is the ground for all facets of Emotional Intelligence, to honestly evaluate yourself and be aware of others. Leaders must be mindful of their thinking, feelings, and actions, which will help them understand and control emotions and be flexible to changes by adopting an optimistic, proactive attitude.
– Social awareness
The focus is external and encompasses understanding others’ thoughts, feelings, and actions and interacting with them. Relationship management is central for outstanding Leadership and comprises qualities such as being influential and inspiring and developing others.
– Self-management
The core component of this skill is Emotional self-control. It will help leaders recognise their own emotions and be guided by them to calmly and clearly express their own decisions to others whilst holding back their own intense emotions and others’.
– Emotional Self-Control and Decision Making
When great leaders are put in front of critical situations and need to make decisions and act right away, anxiety, anger, or fear could appear, high rocking adrenaline; this is a terrible time to plan long-term solutions. Great leaders cope with such intense emotions to make wise decisions.
Decide whether to gather additional information or act quickly. If you plan to gather further information, establish parameters to settle on what information is crucial and when to close down your data-gathering process.
– Be in the power of emotions for Strategic Decisions
To make strategical, long-term decisions, the leader must know how to bring down the intense emotional response and look at the big picture and long-term planning. Accept and allow whatever emotional reaction you might have and focus on the facts as much as possible.
Recognise the emotions that come up as you carry on. Accept the feelings and let them guide you without controlling you. Emotion intensity will quickly move away, and then you can stand to reason.
Uncertainty creates discomfort and evaluation paralysis; stop wasting priceless time and effort as often we must make decisions in the existence of uncertainty; the clue is to know when things are important and how to gather the essential information to resolve such tension and move on.
– Reduce your alternatives
One of the mistakes we commonly make is to give ourselves many options. We assume that if we go through everything, there will be no uncertainty; When we bring about more than five or six alternatives at the end, we are likely to get overwhelmed and make no-decision.
– Trusting your intuition
Our first intuition often tells us how we feel. Intuition often describes an annoying, softly-little voice inside us. Our busy, technology-filled worlds can avoid hearing our intuition.
Outstanding leaders often say they trust themselves and their know-how and do not get trapped in the cycle of over-thinking. The more you understand a subject, the more reliable your intuition is.
Build a quiet period into your life.
Take the time to reflect that you are a human, not a working machine. Meditative practice, a few moments of reflection, walking your dog, and more can take you to that moment of listening to your intuition.
– Decide your way to significant decisions.
Look for opportunities to thoughtfully and proactively make challenging decisions. Sometimes, leaders are afraid of making a bad or wrong decision. We could accept the level of risk and go for it. There is typically no right or a wrong answer. Even if you make a terrible decision, you can learn from it and find unexpected opportunities.
Further thoughts: be a leader in your personal life and profession by performing difficult decisions in a well-timing way. By innovating yourself in such a way to become a self-reliant leader, you can inspire others to change, remain calm, trust yourself, and make significant decisions.
Do others recognise in you the self-reliant company leader to follow?
Dave Food
M: +44 7775 861863
Photo by Charles Forerunner on Unsplash