Local vs Global post-pandemic thinking

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The ‘Old Continent’ was beaten by COVID-19; it seems it would take a harder-longer time to pull out of the crisis than other continents such as Asia and the time the USA would take.  The pandemic has provoked European manufacturing organisations to react fast; their efforts might bring European manufacturing revival.

The European Union (EU) vaccination time table dropped back; 112 million doses administered by now; this contrasts with the USA, where 133,266,995 people or 40% of the population, received at least one dose. Overall, 78,318,717 people or 23% of the people, have been fully vaccinated. (USA Facts Org.)

While the UK is way ahead of the rest of Europe on total inoculations applied, 11.4 million individual in the UK had received a first vaccination dose; more than half a million have had a second vaccine as well.  Other countries lead in terms of the percentage of their populace fully jabbed against the virus, which usually means two doses of the shot. (European Commissions.)

The UK decided to delay the second doses, as recommended. Most EU members are still making compulsory-very strict lockdowns. For this reason, just about one half in the UK and several USA states are currently lifting restrictions on business activities.  Industry leaders disapproved of Europe implementing a less strong-minded economic policy comeback.

The pandemic caught off-balance in the USA when the virus started spreading worldwide as it happened to the global industry. For sure, the USA response to the course of action was considerably faster due to the USA excessive fiscal incentive, not because European budget stimulus is not enough.

While the public discussion is mainly on vaccine distribution and monetary stimulus packages, significant adjustments occur in European manufacturing organisations.  Several enterprises are doing all they can to build more efficient-resilient Localised supply chains (SCs) to better respond to both the constant disruptions to the global trading system and the adverse impact of the recession on profit margins and intensifying pace to market.

Other European countries are also struggling to create a more robust SC, centred on developing the organisation to accomplish the level to recommend a wide variety of solutions and count on adding power at the negotiating table to supply components at competitive prices.

The strategy towards more Localised SC is happening around several regions worldwide.  It is a normal reaction to chain disruptions that underlined the weakness of global SC to protect the manufacturing industry from competition to avoid any risk during the pandemic.

But this strategy moving towards localised SC is also being supported by digital industrial advances. It permits more flexible-efficient solutions, changing radically the economic estimation that leads decisions of where to build production: low labour costs no matter where, now subject to access to talent, high-quality infrastructure, and closeness to partner organisations and customers.

Besides, governments have become more aware of the strategic significance of high-quality manufacturing, understanding that resilient local SC generates good-high-paying jobs and enhance a country’s economic resilience.

Local SC enhances sustainability within a minor environmental and transportation track. Thus, several European governments are attempting to support their domestic manufacturing, possibly benefited from government financial; ALL Circuits, for example, has benefited from financial funding.

Organisations are confident in the European industry future. They consider the expanding motivation for local SC as the set off for a European manufacturing revival that could build up a robust, deeper network of pioneering-agile organisations.  If this visualisation comes to reality, it will give a valuable boost to Europe’s economic energy and job generation.

Is Localised Manufacturing Supply Chain approach your alternative to recovery?

Dave Food

Prophetic Technology

M: +44 7775 861863

Photo by Michael Browning on Unsplash
