Milton Keynes residents block LCVs in bid deter overnight parking

Reports in the local press state that residents in a Milton Keynes estate have decided to “take matters into their own hands" after being frustrated by their local authority's reluctance to clamp down on overnight parking of light trucks and vans.

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According to MK Citizen, people living on Hendrix Drive have made numerous complaints to the police and council officials about trucks “causing a dangerous obstruction as well as a nuisance”.

One person living in the area told he local paper:

“It’s just a normal residential street, yet every night a delivery company is parking eight or nine 3.5 tonne trucks here, obscuring junctions and taking up space. We’re a normal residential street, not a lorry park. It’s just not on.”


In order to deal with the problem, the MK Citizen says residents opted to wake up in the middle of the night to “carefully block the trucks in with their own cars”.

The local newspaper adds that the blocking has already borne fruit; it is said that the drivers of the vehicles have apologised and shall now park elsewhere.

Interestingly, despite the apology from the drivers, it is reported that there are no restrictions preventing commercial vehicles from parking on Hendrix Drive.

The residents nonetheless claim that the road is too narrow for lorries and small trucks to park there.

In typical NIMBY fashion, the residents also told MK Citizen that there was plenty of space for lorry parking at the nearby industrial estate.

Photo: Vauxford, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image cropped and used for illustrative purposes only)