Directive 2014/94 / EU on the development of alternative fuels, which has entered into force today, introduces the requirement of uniform labeling of new vehicles and distributors with fuel at petrol stations.
The new provisions apply to all countries of the European Union. Thanks to them, it will be easier for drivers to choose the fuel suitable for their vehicles.
New labels
Today at petrol stations will appear new symbols:
– E5, E10 and E85 for gasoline (in a circle),
– B7, B10 and XTL for diesel fuel (in square),
– H2 (hydrogen), CNG (compressed natural gas), LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) and LNG (liquefied natural gas)
The last category is particularly important and constitutes „alternative fuels’ means fuels or power sources which serve, at least partly, as a substitute for fossil oil sources in the energy supply to transport and which have the potential to contribute to its decarbonisation and enhance the environmental performance of the transport sector.”
Where will the labels appear?
On new vehicles that will be registered after October 11, 2018. Directive 2014/94 /EU applies to:
– passenger cars,
– light commercial vehicles,
– heavy goods vehicles,
– buses and coaches,
– mopeds, motorcycles, three- and four-wheeled vehicles.
In addition, the new marking system will be mandatory at gas stations. New symbols will appear on guns and at fuel pumps.
More detailed information about the new labels can be found at