Photo by Andres Canavesi on Unsplash

New Gartner ranking shows Europe’s top 15 supply chains in 2021

Renowned global research and advisory company Gartner has updated its ranking of company supply chains in Europe in 2021. The top 5 remains the same as last year, with Schneider Electric once again topping the list.

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In Gartner’s eyes, there were 3 key trends among the supply chains that earned places at the top of the ranking.

First of those is what the research and advisory giant labels as ‘the purpose-driven organization’, which refers to those companies “taking specific action against ambitious, science-based sustainability targets as well as goals grounded in social issues like diversity, equity and inclusion.”

The second key trend highlighted by Gartner is ‘customer-driven business transformation’. This concerns ability to adapt to shifting business conditions such as the huge variations in demand observed during the pandemic.

The third and final trend, ‘digital-first supply chains’, relates to those supply chain leaders whose digital transformation has matured to the point that they are “digital first” when it comes to using technology “to enable more seamless customer experiences and more insightful decisions in supply and product management, at scale.”

As far as the results of this year’s ranking are concerned, the top 5 was almost completely unchanged from 2020. Schneider Electric and Nestlé were once again 1st and 2nd respectively. L’Oréal moved up to 3rd place, pushing Inditex back to 4th with Diageo once again ranked 5th.

New companies joined the top 15 ranking this year too, including GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and AB InBev. Meanwhile, Adidas, Nokia and BASF dropped out.

As for the global ranking, Gartner places Cisco Systems in 1st place, followed by Colgate-Palmolive and Johnson & Johnson. Schneider Electric and Nestlé, who topped the European ranking, were next in 4th and 5th respectively.

Photo by Andres Canavesi on Unsplash