Online shopper deeply moved by delivery of hand-written note

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Although the coronavirus crisis has generated sorrow and division across the globe, there have been poignant examples of kindness and solidarity – one of which was a recent exchange between a shopper and delivery worker in Australia.

The story, as reported by Australia’s channel 7 news, shows how emotional a handwritten, personal message can be in today’s modern world.

The exchange started when Australian shopper Leanne decided to leave a message to thank the staff at Woolworths supermarket for the “valuable” work they’d been doing amid the coronavirus pandemic. She also wrote that she couldn’t go shopping physically because of a health issue, and that she really appreciated someone doing the shopping and delivering it to her.

Then, whilst unpacking her bags, she discovered that an employee who assisted with the delivery had responded to her message with a handwritten note that read as follows:

“Thank you for your very kind message. It’s lovely customers like you who make our job worthwhile. I hope everything I have picked for you today is nutritious and what you wanted. I wish you a peaceful week with no pain and lots of love to surround you.”

Leanne told Channel 7 Australia last week that the kind note had brought tears to her eyes. She also said that the note had “restored her faith in humanity” and added that “It made me feel like a person and not just a delivery number.”

When the coronavirus pandemic sparked lockdowns all over the globe this spring, many kind words were said about the “key workers” whose bravery and hard work have kept things running. This includes doctors, truck drivers, delivery workers and retail staff among others. However, since then, it appears that some members of the public could be taking deliveries for granted again – something that certainly wasn’t true in Leanne’s case.

Should more people be showing Solidarity with key workers during the pandemic? Please let us know in the comments.

Photocredit: Facebook / Vakrieger on Wikimedia commons (both images edited)