Today’s headline story: Post Italiane announces €1.2 billion investment in infrastructure improvements
Poste Italiane has said it has plans to invest €1.2 billion, mostly from state funds, to renovate 7,000 post offices nationwide.
One of the aims of the renovation is to assist elderly persons in villages who are having troubles with online access to public services. Towns with populations under 5,000 will be the main focus of the investment.
Machines will be installed at branches, with staff assisting customers who are less familiar with modern technology.
The postal operator has said some €800m of the fund would come from the government, with it making up the remaining €400m.
In addition to the above, Poste Italiane said it would install 500 parcel lockers, as well as 5,000 charging stations for electric vehicles and 1,000 solar panel systems.
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