Return of winter in Spain. Snow complicates traffic on over 100 roads

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This year, winter has not spared the Spaniards and it turns out that it has not yet said its last word on the Iberian Peninsula. In mid-April in Spain it is snowing again and traffic congestions may take place on many roads.

Snow complicates traffic on over 100 sections of Spanish roads – mainly in the north and in the center of the country. The most difficult situation is in Navarra, Basque Country, Aragon, Valencia and Castilla-La Mancha.


You can check the current situation on the official website of the General Directorate of Road Traffic (DGT).

We remind you what the markings on the DGT map mean:

Four levels of roadblocks

Green – just starting to rain. Trucks should only move in the right lane. The maximum speed on a highway is 100 km/h, and on national roads 80 km/h. Mountain passes should be avoided.

Yellow – the road surface is partly covered with snow. Driving ban for trucks.

Red – road surface completely covered with snow. Driving ban for trucks.

Black – road closed.


