
RHA writes to minister to call for lorry thefts to be treated more seriously

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The RHA have called on the government to give lorry cargo thefts a higher priority, stating that load thefts are currently categorised in the same way as the theft of sunglasses from a motor vehicle.

In a letter sent to the UK’s minister of state for crime and policing yesterday, the RHA’s Rod McKenzie stressed that load thefts are a “significant and growing problem”.

In the letter, McKenzie reportedly cited stats from the National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service showing that there were were 443 load thefts in January and February 2021. The total value of those stolen goods amounted to £9.4m, which works out at £21,000 per theft on average.

Moreover, McKenzie claims this figure is “just the tip of the iceberg” as many thefts still go unreported.

One of the problems McKenzie highlighted in the letter is the way that load thefts are categorised. The RHA have made it clear that the police should give them higher priority.

“The current categorisation of lorry load theft means that these crimes are in the same category as the theft of a pair of sunglasses from a motor vehicle. Clearly, this is inappropriate and lorry load theft merits its own classification. Without this, organised crime groups will continue to view lorry load theft as an easy option, being low risk and with little chance of being detected.”

McKenzie argues that dedicated lorry load theft designation would motivate hauliers to report more thefts, as well as helping police officers identify problem areas.

In the letter, the RHA also asked for meeting with government officials in order to find a practical solution to the issue.

Photo credit: Durham Special Constabulary
